Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy to Do Paperwork

Today Caleb and I headed for Boise--approximately 2 hour drive from here--to get apostilles on the two documents we had notarized yesterday. One was a document stating that we could not be at the preliminary hearings in Ukraine but that we promise to be at the final (adoption) hearing. The second was our letter stating why we want to adopt a child with Down syndrome. I was so intent on trying to get us actually moving down the road that I forgot 2 important details: (1) pull-ups in the diaper bag (clean clothes, Kleenexes, comb, toys and etc. junk do not count) and (2) directions to the Secretary of State. Oh brother!! Thankfully, Caleb slept much of the way there which reduced his food and drink intake and praise the Lord, I remembered I might have the needed address on one of the receipts in my 47-pound adoption binder--and I did! I got to the correct building with only one fairly minor boo-boo, walked in, paid my money and walked back out in 10 minutes tops with 2 Idaho apostilles. Amazing!

I then had 3 tasks before heading back home: buy pull-ups, pick up some lunch and get gas. It started absolutely dumping rain (with a little hail and snow mixed in) but I actually made it back to the right main thoroughfare which I don't believe I have hardly ever done--even in good weather when I can see where I'm going.

I made it home about 3:30 and loaded up 3 of my big kids who had just got home from school (B had developmental therapy) and headed to Twin Falls to ship the paperwork. I wanted to include 4 pages of pictures of Steven and about 8 pages of Caleb just to soften our potential judge's heart but it took me awhile to label them. Unhappily I missed the pickup deadline for today so the paperwork won't actually move toward Ukraine until tomorrow--but at least it is at the office paid for and ready to go.

It felt so good to do SOMETHING positive.

We also got a note from the social worker to whom we sent the application for the subsidy for non-recurring adoption expenses. She said we need the relinquishment of parental rights on some official letterhead from Ukraine. We'll see what Nastya the Great can do with that request.


Hi, I'm Alysha -But you can call me Lysh said...

Yeha! one step at a time, one foot in front of the other all the to Ukraine and back again with Steven in tow :) God will guide and He will's my new motto! :)

orphans4me said...

I LIKE that motto. Thanks.